ID Description Modified Metadata Dataset feed SRS Format Download
Administrative units Switzerland - INSPIRE

Administrative units is based on the data set swissBOUNDARIES3D by swisstopo. It contains all administrative units and national boundaries of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein in vector form. The product is based on an optimized data model for Switzerland and conforms to the data of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office. swissBOUNDARIES3D replaces the GG25 dataset from 2010 onwards.
2025-01-01T00:42:00Z Atom WGS 84 application/x-gmz download
Administrative units Switzerland - INSPIRE

Administrative units is based on the data set swissBOUNDARIES3D by swisstopo. It contains all administrative units and national boundaries of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein in vector form. The product is based on an optimized data model for Switzerland and conforms to the data of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office. swissBOUNDARIES3D replaces the GG25 dataset from 2010 onwards.
2025-01-01T00:42:00Z Atom ETRS89 application/x-gmz download
Administrative units Switzerland - INSPIRE

Administrative units is based on the data set swissBOUNDARIES3D by swisstopo. It contains all administrative units and national boundaries of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein in vector form. The product is based on an optimized data model for Switzerland and conforms to the data of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office. swissBOUNDARIES3D replaces the GG25 dataset from 2010 onwards.
2025-01-01T00:42:00Z Atom WGS84 Web Mercator application/x-gmz download
Administrative units Switzerland - INSPIRE

Administrative units is based on the data set swissBOUNDARIES3D by swisstopo. It contains all administrative units and national boundaries of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein in vector form. The product is based on an optimized data model for Switzerland and conforms to the data of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office. swissBOUNDARIES3D replaces the GG25 dataset from 2010 onwards.
2025-01-01T00:42:00Z Atom ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA application/x-gmz download
Administrative units Switzerland - INSPIRE

Administrative units is based on the data set swissBOUNDARIES3D by swisstopo. It contains all administrative units and national boundaries of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein in vector form. The product is based on an optimized data model for Switzerland and conforms to the data of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office. swissBOUNDARIES3D replaces the GG25 dataset from 2010 onwards.
2025-01-01T00:42:00Z Atom ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N application/x-gmz download
Administrative units Switzerland - INSPIRE

Administrative units is based on the data set swissBOUNDARIES3D by swisstopo. It contains all administrative units and national boundaries of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein in vector form. The product is based on an optimized data model for Switzerland and conforms to the data of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office. swissBOUNDARIES3D replaces the GG25 dataset from 2010 onwards.
2025-01-01T00:42:00Z Atom CH1903+ / LV95 application/x-gmz download
Geographical Names Switzerland - INSPIRE

Geographical Names is based on the data set swissNAMES3D by swisstopo. It is the most comprehensive collection of geographical names for Switzerland and Liechtenstein. swissNAMES3D contains over 430'000 georeferenced entries divided in different categories. The dataset replaces since 2015 the old product swissNAMES updated until 2008. In the federal geoportal the layer "geographical names" corresponds to a selection of swissNAMES3D for the different zoomlevels.
2024-06-12T00:42:00Z Atom ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA application/x-gmz download
Geographical Names Switzerland - INSPIRE

Geographical Names is based on the data set swissNAMES3D by swisstopo. It is the most comprehensive collection of geographical names for Switzerland and Liechtenstein. swissNAMES3D contains over 430'000 georeferenced entries divided in different categories. The dataset replaces since 2015 the old product swissNAMES updated until 2008. In the federal geoportal the layer "geographical names" corresponds to a selection of swissNAMES3D for the different zoomlevels.
2024-06-12T00:42:00Z Atom ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N application/x-gmz download
Geographical Names Switzerland - INSPIRE

Geographical Names is based on the data set swissNAMES3D by swisstopo. It is the most comprehensive collection of geographical names for Switzerland and Liechtenstein. swissNAMES3D contains over 430'000 georeferenced entries divided in different categories. The dataset replaces since 2015 the old product swissNAMES updated until 2008. In the federal geoportal the layer "geographical names" corresponds to a selection of swissNAMES3D for the different zoomlevels.
2024-06-12T00:42:00Z Atom CH1903+ / LV95 application/x-gmz download
Geographical Names Switzerland - INSPIRE

Geographical Names is based on the data set swissNAMES3D by swisstopo. It is the most comprehensive collection of geographical names for Switzerland and Liechtenstein. swissNAMES3D contains over 430'000 georeferenced entries divided in different categories. The dataset replaces since 2015 the old product swissNAMES updated until 2008. In the federal geoportal the layer "geographical names" corresponds to a selection of swissNAMES3D for the different zoomlevels.
2024-06-12T00:42:00Z Atom WGS 84 application/x-gmz download
Geographical Names Switzerland - INSPIRE

Geographical Names is based on the data set swissNAMES3D by swisstopo. It is the most comprehensive collection of geographical names for Switzerland and Liechtenstein. swissNAMES3D contains over 430'000 georeferenced entries divided in different categories. The dataset replaces since 2015 the old product swissNAMES updated until 2008. In the federal geoportal the layer "geographical names" corresponds to a selection of swissNAMES3D for the different zoomlevels.
2024-06-12T00:42:00Z Atom ETRS89 application/x-gmz download
Geographical Names Switzerland - INSPIRE

Geographical Names is based on the data set swissNAMES3D by swisstopo. It is the most comprehensive collection of geographical names for Switzerland and Liechtenstein. swissNAMES3D contains over 430'000 georeferenced entries divided in different categories. The dataset replaces since 2015 the old product swissNAMES updated until 2008. In the federal geoportal the layer "geographical names" corresponds to a selection of swissNAMES3D for the different zoomlevels.
2024-06-12T00:42:00Z Atom WGS84 Web Mercator application/x-gmz download